Preventative Medicine
Wellness Exams
Biannual Vaccinations
Dental Care (hand & power)
Fecal Exams & Deworming
Coggins Testing (digital & paper)
Clinic Hospitalization
Reproductive Services
(artificial insemination)
(breeding soundness exam)
Digital Ultrasound
Digital Radiography
(upper respiratory)
Prepurchase Exams
Lameness Care
Field Anesthesia & Surgery
In-House Lab Work
Client Education
Referral Available for Colic Surgery
*We also provide routine wellness & preventative
care for your farm cat or dog.
Any questions regarding our at-home, in-house, or emergency services, please call us at (252)566-5041.
Our clinic has a wide range of services designed to treat your animals as efficiently as possible.
We aim to provide quality education to help clients keep their animal healthy into the future. We also believe the key to your animal's long-term health
is prevention. Contact us
to schedule an appointment today.
Now Offering Pro-Stride APS!

Pro-Stride APS is a more natural approach to help with certain issues relating to lameness and osteoarthritis. An alternative to steroids, this type of therapy is proven to help relieve pain and reduce inflammation through regenerative healing.
Pro-Stride APS is processed in the field, using blood drawn from your horse. The blood is spun down through a dual-device system to concentrate the anti-inflammatory and regenerative cells, creating a powerful treatment that is then injected into the joint. This regenerative treatment has shown improved performance with one injection.